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University scholarships in need, primary school scholarship
School bible teacher sponsorship, school materials….
First of all, thank you for all your tremendous support over the years. Thanks to people like you, IPSF is now able to support more than 54 children and young people from kindergarten right up to and through university. Currently, we are supporting 4 young people at university and college. However, as the new university year starts in September/October, there are more and more young people in need of scholarships to help fulfill their dreams and the dreams of their families.
It is difficult enough to get to school and stay in school when you and your family are in poverty. Which is why the example these young people set by not only overcoming all these obstacles but then going on to qualify for a place at university or college is so extraordinary and worth supporting. They are likely to be the first member of their family to enter or to even have the chance to enter university and what a turnaround you and they might help to create if they were successful in gaining a degree!
College is not easy for our youngsters and all of them will work as well as study in order to be able to cope with the costs of attending college and often for staying away from home too. The $400 or $1000 does not cover anything like everything they need but it is important as it can cover their fees, for instance, and books too. Mostly it is the young person who will contribute the majority in terms of effort and, having got quite a few successful graduates already, we can tell you the investment is incredibly worthwhile if you would like to consider supporting a young person through their tertiary education we would love to hear from you and we will be pleased to discuss further on how these scholarships work. Each vocational training scholarship costs $300 for 1 year, and a college or university scholarship cots $1000 a year for 3 or 4 years depending on which course they study and which college they study at. the school fees is paying directly to the school. We believe together with your help and their hard work, we can together help a lot more young adults to continue their studies and have better chances for future employment.
“Yes I want to help!”
If you would like to have further information, please contact us on or at (+220) 992 2872